Paper Submission

Extended deadline for paper submission and payment of early registration fee is 1 May 2024.

Template for the paper can be found here

.DOCX template


The organizers offer three publication possibilities. The authors have to select one of the following options when uploading their papers based on whether they wish their paper to be considered for publication in one of the journals mentioned below.

1.) have the paper published in the proceedings only (page limit: 9 pages)
2.) have the paper published in the proceedings (page limit: 6 pages) and the extended version of the paper considered for a journal
3.) have a longer paper considered for a journal, this means no publication in the proceedings (only an abstract in the book of abstracts)

The final decision about which papers are selected for a possible publication in one of the journals and which journal specifically will be made based on the reviewers' comments and recommendations. Papers selected for secondary publication need to be extended by, at least, 30% and have to comply with the format requirements of the given journal. These will then go through the journal’s rigorous peer review process. If they get accepted, they will get new DOIs.

Please bear in mind that the organizers offer two publication possibilities for the authors. All accepted papers will be published in the ISBN numbered conference proceedings, will get DOI number and will be sent to SCOPUS and WoS for possible indexation. Selected and extended papers based on the recommendation of the reviewers will have the chance for being published in different journals. The decision that which papers will be selected for possible publication in which journals will be brought after summarizing the reviewers' recommendations.

Papers selected for secondary publication need to be extended by, at least, 30% and will go through the given journal's rigorous peer review process. If they get accepted, they will get new DOIs. If you wish to have your paper considered for secondary publication, the page limit of your paper is 6 pages. If you do not wish to extend your paper, your paper in the proceedings can be maximum 9 pages long.


Important notes!

When the paper is submitted, modified or deleted, the corresponding author automatically receives an acknowledgement of receipt, modification or cancellation (by email).Correspondence regarding the papers such as confirmation of submission, notification of acceptance or rejection and instructions for presentation is only sent to the corresponding author. It is their responsibility to forward the information to all co-authors. The presenting author is required to register for the Conference and pay the registration fee as a condition of presenting the paper.

Any error in spelling, grammar or scientific fact is the authors' responsibility. The papers will be published as submitted by the authors. The submitted papers can be seen, modified or deleted anytime when the online paper submission is open.

How to prepare my abstract?

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How to prepare my poster?

Read this page to learn what type and size are the best to be displayed at postertable.

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How to prepare my paper?

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Call for abstracts


Call for papers

Keynote Speakers